Copycat Ken

Vital Statistics

Name: Copycat Ken
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Smells Like Evil Spirit
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: Akane
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Mousse, Ryouga, Kunou

Profile: Copycat Ken is a young traveling martial artist who, instead of creating his own moves, observes others with their moves. With a camera, Copycat Ken captures the dynamics of the move on film, and then is able to copy the move as well as take the form of the martial artist who he copies it from.

Copycat Ken came to Nerima in order to steal the moves of the martial artists in that area, and managed to defeat Ryouga, Mousse, and Kunou. He finally then managed to defeat Ranma with his own Chestnut Fist move.

Angry at his loss, Ranma went to the mountains to train, along with those others who were defeated by Copycat Ken's dishonorable fighting. Eventually, Ranma was able to come back and defeat Copycat Ken, who had in the meantime studied and was copying Happosai. Copycat Ken's multiple techniques were still not enoughto beat Ranma a second time, because of Ranma's improved fighting ability and attitude.

Personality: Copycat Ken is an extremely dishonest and unsavory martial artist who will stop at nothing to improve his own technique through his copying. Uncaring of the fact that honorable martial artists don't copy their fellow martial artist's moves, Ken will not hesitate to use all the moves he has copied in the middle of a fight. Copycat Ken is also somewhat of a pervert, which Happosai helps cultivate.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez